Friends, today we celebrate the 1st anniversary of the SpiritWoke Podcast. We celebrate this exciting occasion by welcoming special guest, Kristina Bloom.
On this episode of The SpiritWoke Podcast, Kristina joins us to talk about her own personal story, communicating with the other side, and the beautiful gift of mediumship.

Kristina Bloom’s Bio:
Kristina is a psychic, medium, and channel for The Divine. For twenty years she has been facilitating individual and gallery Psychic readings across the country, speaking in front of both small and large groups. She is also the creator of the Intuitive You! Psychic Development Program and has recently published a book for the program by the same name. You can learn more about Kristina at
Check out Kristina’s online custom coaching program:
Big thanks to our extremely talented Podcast producer, Nick Perko/Botanicus
If you’d like to be on the podcast, drop us a line on our contact page and pitch us your story/idea.