Friends, on the 39th episode of the SpiritWoke Podcast, we welcome our podcast engineer and producer, Nick Perko (AKA Botanicus). In this episode, Nick shares his story of awakening. We also talk about how being present in the moment and fully embracing your senses can lead to a powerful spiritual experience, and how music and spirituality go hand-in-hand! Listen in!

Here are the links to the tracks covered in this week’s episode:
Nase Yama –
Move with Me –
Nick’s Bio:
Nick Perko, AKA Botanicus, is the highly talented producer and engineer of The SpiritWoke Podcast. He is also a recording artist, musician, DJ, chef, and math tutor.
Connect with Nick below:
Botanicus links:
Big thanks to our extremely talented Podcast producer, Nick Perko/Botanicus
If you’d like to be on the podcast, drop us a line on our contact page and pitch us your story/idea.