On the 31st episode of The SpiritWoke Podcast, we learn about the Angelic Realm. Special guests, Judy Meinen and Kathy Drinkman give a meaningful overview of the topic and share how they operate within the Angelic Realm during healings. This episode was recorded at Soul and Synergy’s Metaphysical Wellness Fair in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Below, you’ll find the video of the podcast as well.

Judy’s Bio:
Judy Meinen, RN, Reiki Master, is a Healing Touch Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Certified Hypnotherapist. Ms. Meinen also is contracted by a local managed care provider and is available for presentations, workshops, and Reiki classes.
Kathy’s Bio:
Kathy Drinkman is a Reiki Master, trained in Usui Reiki Ryho. She started her business, Higher Healings, in 2007 with a knowing that Reiki was her life’s mission. Since the start of her business, she has been gifted with the ability to communicate with angels, spirit guides, and loved ones that have passed. Kathy is able to bring healing and comfort to all your bodies, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. She receives information on all levels for your HIGHEST GOOD. Kathy only works in the LOVE light of GOD.
Kathy participates in healing fairs, house parties, mediumship panels. She also enjoys teaching classes about Reiki and spirituality. Kathy has been teaching REIKI class since 2008.
Connect with Judy:
On her Website: https://www.angelcarehealingtouch.com/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StandupcoMedium/
Connect with Kathy:
On her Website: https://www.higherhealingsenergy.com/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/higherhealings/
Big thanks to our extremely talented Podcast producer, Nick Perko/Botanicus
If you’d like to be on the podcast, drop us a line on our contact page and pitch us your story/idea.